Author - Hannah Webzell

Frankie and Matilda go to Prague

Dancing News We are very proud of Frankie and Matilda in Year 5, who have been selected to represent England at the Dance World Cup 2024 in Prague. We are looking forward to hearing about their successes and hopefully seeing some videos of their performances.

Cliffe Woods’ Pupil Signed to Ebbsfleet

We are extremely proud of one of our Year 5 students, Rocco, who has written his own account of his achievement: “I am Rocco and I have been scouted and signed for Ebbsfleet United FC Under 10’s.  I am starting in centre-midfield where I will get lots of opportunities on the...

Cliffe Woods Code at BAE

Mrs Hyland and Mrs Connolly took 25 Year 5 and 6 children to BAE Systems, where they were given the opportunity to learn about how coding can be used in the real world.  Once we were through the very tight security, the children had a great afternoon.  They asked pertinent...

Wonka Bar Event Success

As the Wonka sales start to draw to a close, we thanked our Chief Wonka Woman this morning with her own giant bar, golden ticket and flowers. A thank you for making it all work seamlessly and selling 800+ bars to excited children and determined parents in all weather! 😊...

Diwali Assembly

On Friday 3rd November, Mr Chaggar and Mr Upple, from the Medway Towns Gurdwara, visited to deliver a whole school assembly on Diwali. They spoke about the religious festival from both a Hindu and Sikh perspective, giving details of the stories behind the festival. They spoke about our core value of...

Black History Month

October is Black History Month. At Cliffe Woods each year group has been learning about different subjects and areas within Black History. The art work above was produced by Year 5 and is of Nelson Mandela. Year 5 have been studying the life of Mandela and his efforts...

When Mrs Connolly met Micheal Rosen!

On Friday 13th October, Mrs Connolly was lucky enough to meet children’s author Michael Rosen. As well as getting a chance to talk with Michael, she was able to get some books signed for the school. Mrs Connolly plans to read these to the children as she makes her way...