Physical Education Subject Leader: Mrs S Weir
By embedding a high-quality physical education curriculum, it helps to inspire our pupils to excel in competitive sports; providing opportunities for pupils to sustain their health and fitness.
Cliffe Woods Primary School recognises the importance of Physical Education (P.E) and we follow the aims of the National Curriculum as a minimum to ensure that all children can:
- develop skill and understanding to achieve in a broad range of physical activities
- be physically active for sustained periods of time in some vigorous exercise
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- understand how to lead healthy, active lives
Children will have the opportunity to reflect upon their performances and give feedback to others. PE and school sport will also be used to further embed the schools core values.

P.E. is taught as a stand-alone lesson for two lessons per week to each class. When children start school in Reception, they have a skills-based lesson and a dance or movement lesson each week. Throughout Key Stage One and Two, the children learn how to play a range of sports, as well as dance and gymnastics, with the focus on the fundamental elements of: object control, movement, and stability.
In addition, children are encouraged to be active during play times. In EYFS, this includes riding bikes and scooters; climbing and balancing and playing hopscotch. As they progress through the school, children will choose to practise basketball skills, play football with friends, run or participate in multi skill activities.
Cross-curricular links have been established to also encourage further active lessons include Active Maths. The use of Sports Leaders is also implemented to increase opportunity to participate in competitive activities that develop skills.
We teach lessons so that children:
- Have fun and experience success in sport
- Have the opportunity to participate in P.E at their own level of development
- Secure and build on a range of skills both across year groups and termly within year groups • Develop good sporting attitudes that are also upheld in the school’s core values
- Understand basic rules
- Experience competition
- Participate in some demanding physical activity to enhance fitness levels
- Learn in a safe environment
- Have a foundation for lifelong physical activity, leaving primary school as physically active and bearing the knowledge of how to maintain an active lifestyle
P.E is taught as a foundation for living a healthy and active life- giving children the techniques and confidence to continue to pursue physical activities when progressing to secondary school. Children have access to a wide range of activities that enable them to learn techniques which can be transferred to other scenarios. The curriculum and range of competitive sporting fixtures inspire children to succeed, further develop/embed the School’s core values and build character.

Physical Education in Each Stage
In the Reception Class, opportunities will be provided for children to be active and to develop their coordination, control and movement through moving and handling activities which involve the use of a range of equipment and involve different spatial experiences.
Structured lessons and opportunities for outdoor physical activity will last at least 2 hours each week. PE lessons cover the fundamentals of:
- Gross motor development (throwing, catching, kicking)
- Spatial awareness and physical application
- Balance and agility basics
- Body movement and dance

In KS1, the curriculum focuses on fundamental movement skills to develop agility, balance and coordination. Curriculum content includes ball skills and team games, gymnastics and dance activities.
Pupils will be taught to:
- Master basic movements including running, throwing and catching with a wide range of fun physical activities and games
- Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending, as well as teamwork
- Develop balance and agility through basic gymnastic movements
- Perform dances using simple movement patterns

At KS2 pupils will continue to apply and develop a range of skills and units of work which include a range of invasion, net/wall, fielding and striking games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming. Children will link sporting skills to competitive situations and practice a version of sports games. In Years 5 and 6 they will have the opportunity to compete against other schools in the Mini Youth Games and other competitive events.
Children’s experiences will also be enriched through opportunities for outdoor and adventurous activities which are further implemented at the Yr6 residential camp.
Pupils will be taught to:
- Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination with linking skills
- Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for defending and attacking
- Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
- Perform dances using a range of movement patterns
- Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
Swimming and water safety
Swimming instruction will be provided in Key Stage Two. In particular, pupils should be taught to:
- Swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- Use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke]
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Physical Education Progression
Throughout the year all areas of each of the appropriate milestones will be covered. This is recorded on an on-going basis by teachers on the assessment trackers. Teachers record their coverage and lesson overviews on their Complete Learning Grids which demonstrate their coverage.
SEND Information
Lessons follow our STEP (Space, Time, Equipment and Person) adaptation to enable learners to achieve.