Our Vision
Cliffe Woods Primary School is a beacon of excellence, welcoming opportunities to share outstanding practice for the benefit of pupils within and beyond the school community. We simply expect ‘Excellence From All!’
Our School Values
Every member of the school community is expected to adhere to our ‘core values.’ These underpin our behaviour strategies and ensure that our school environment is the best that it can be:

At Cliffe Woods Primary School, we are kind, caring and considerate.

At Cliffe Woods Primary School, we always tell the truth we are responsible and make the right choices.

At Cliffe Woods Primary School, we are grateful for what we have and the opportunities that we are given.

At Cliffe Woods Primary School, we treat everyone the way that we would like to be treated and we take pride in our school environment.

At Cliffe Woods Primary School, we try our best, learn from our mistakes and never give up.
The Governors and Staff at Cliffe Woods Primary School will:
- Provide a first class education that offers high quality opportunities for all pupils to excel, especially in reading, writing and mathematics, regardless of their background, needs or abilities.
- Ensure that teaching inspires pupils to become curious, confident and ambitious learners, offering rich, enjoyable and memorable experiences across the wider curriculum.
- Actively promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, emphasising British values, so that pupils are well-prepared to become thoughtful, caring and economically active citizens in the diverse society of modern Britain
- Develop positive attitudes in pupils, including resilience, to enable them to deal constructively with problems and challenges that they may encounter in their future lives.
- Involve parents and carers in their children’s education by providing good information and guidance regarding pupils’ progress, seeking views on the services provided by the school, and working in partnership with them.
- Do their utmost to ensure that all pupils are safe, happy, healthy and well-cared for in school. This also applies at after school clubs when parents have signed permission slips.
Our British Values
As part of Aletheia Academies Trust, Cliffe Woods is committed to Fundamental British Values:
The Trust actively promotes British Values in all of our academies. We aim to establish a strong community where all pupils are encouraged to demonstrate respect and tolerance through an inclusive nature regardless of faith, race and culture.
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of those in our society of different faiths and beliefs

Equality Objectives
Aletheia Academies Trust’s overarching Equality Objectives are:
- To use performance data to monitor student achievement and respond to variations between groups of learners, subjects, courses and key stages, trends over time and comparisons with other schools.
- To provide professional development which continues to support staff to promote equality and diversity routinely in their daily activity.
- To provide an environment that welcomes protects and respects diverse people.
- To ensure that all students are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school.
- Foster ownership amongst our students for the development of a set of positive behaviours which reflect the very best in all cultures, but reaffirm the understanding of and compliance with the rule of British law and British Values.
- To address cultural events through year worship activities to increase student awareness and understanding of issues in different communities