Here you will find the reports from our last OFSTED inspections.
To see our current Key Stage Results, please visit the Key Stage Results page.
“Achievement is excellent. At the end of Year 6, all groups of pupils, including the most able, are reaching standards which are well above the national average”. – OFSTED 2015
Cliffe Woods was pleased to receive an ‘OUTSTANDING’ rating from OFSTED in all areas after an inspection that took place in March 2015.
The outcome highlights the quality of Cliffe Woods Primary School’s offering:
- Teaching is outstanding. Teachers have high expectations of pupils. They provide early support to fill any gaps in pupils’ learning. This helps them to increase their rate of progress. Teaching assistants are highly skilled and provide excellent support for the pupils with whom they work.
- Disadvantaged pupils make exceptional progress in their reading, writing and mathematics.
- Children make outstanding progress in early years because adults provide exciting activities which enable children to play and learn together extremely well.
- Pupils behave exceptionally well and want to learn. They are respectful and kind to each other, to staff and to visitors alike.
- The outstanding headteacher is highly ambitious for the school and the pupils. He is well supported by his senior leaders and a highly committed staff team.
- Communications with parents are very effective. Fostering good relationships is a shared responsibility for everybody in the school’s community.